Dear Mom and Dad: What Kids of Divorce Really Want to Say to Their Parents
By Gillian Rothchild
A practical, concise guide that helps children and their parents get on with their lives -- happily.
Cooperative Parenting and Divorce: A Parent’s Guide to Effective Co-Parenting
By Susan Boyan and Anne Marie Termini
This book gives divorcing parents the power to make positive changes to shield their children from conflict and help them establish a positive, long term relationship with their child's other parent.
Mom's House, Dad's House - Making Shared Custody Work
By Isolina Ricci, PhD
This groundbreaking classic (now revised and updated) explores the legal, emotional, and practical realities of creating two happy and stable homes for kids.
Vicki Lansky's Divorce Book for Parents
By Vicki Lansky
Offers advice on just about every aspect of divorce, from telling the kids to working out custody arrangements.
Long-Distance Parenting: A Guide for Divorced Parenting
By Miriam Galper Cohen
Family therapist Cohen is conversant with the difficulties of parenting after divorce through her practice, and in her own experience as the divorced, remarried parent of a child who, at 14, chose to live with his father in another state. On the premise that "any relationship is better than none," - Cohen offers guidance to long-distance parents that is compassionate and practical, no matter the age of the child.
What to Tell the Kids About Your Divorce
By Darlene Weyburne
A family therapist tells divorcing parents how to break the news to their children and reassure them that the split is not their fault.
The Divorced Parent: Success Strategies for Raising Your Children after Separation
By Stephanie Marston
The Divorced Parent dispels the myth that the one-parent home has to be a broken one. Marriage and family counselor Stephanie Marston offers expert guidance for raising happy, healthy children in a divorced home, by providing parents with step-by-step strategies for making their families secure, stable, and nurturing.
Dinosaurs Divorce
By Laurene Krasny Brown and Marc Brown
Dinosaur characters introduce aspects of divorce, such as its causes and effects, living with a single parent, and spending holidays in two separate households.
I Don't Want to Talk About It
By Jeanie Franz Ransom
A young girl deals with the new, difficult, and conflicting emotions that arise when her parents divorce.
It's Not Your Fault, Koko Bear
By Vicki Lansky
A preschool-age bear talks about the pain of divorce; advice for divorcing parents is included at the bottom of each page.
Mama and Daddy Bear's Divorce
By Cornelia Maude Spelman
This simple story, told from the perspective of Dinah -- the youngest in the Bear family -- captures very young children's perceptions of divorce, along with their questions, emotions, and fears.
My Parents Are Divorced, Too: A Book for Kids by Kids
By Melanie, Annie, and Steven Ford as told to Jan Blackstone-Ford
Aimed at the preteen set, this book offers a kid-to-kid, heart-to-heart look at the realities of divorce.
Was it the Chocolate Pudding? A Story for Little Kids about Divorce
By Sandra Levins and Bryan Langdo
Readers learn about divorce, and receive age-appropriate explanations of what is happening regarding such issues as single-parent homes and joint custody as well as how divorce is a grown-up problem, not the child's fault.
Two Homes
By Claire Masurel and Kady MacDonald Denton
At Mommy’s house, Alex has a soft chair. At Daddy’s house, Alex has a rocking chair. In each home, Alex also has a special bedroom and lots of friends to play with. But whether Alex is with Mommy or with Daddy, one thing always stays the same - Alex is loved. The gently reassuring text focuses on what is gained rather than what is lost when parents divorce, while the sensitive illustrations, depicting two unique homes in all their small details, firmly establish Alex’s place in both of them. Two Homes will help children - and parents - embrace even the most difficult of changes with an open and optimistic heart.
Standing On My Own Two Feet
By Tamara Schmitz
Addison is a regular kid whose parents are going through a divorce, but he knows that no matter what happens, his parents will always love him. The text in this beautifully illustrated picture book is inspiring, gentle, and uplifting, and teaches kids that having two homes to live in can be just as great as having two strong feet to stand on.
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